John P Henderson
John P. Henderson is a member of the Wei Wai Kum first nations band in Campbell River, BC, Canada, as well as an artist, carver, father, grandfather, a former band counsellor and a man determined to raise awareness of the future fate of the lands of his 'Nakwaxda'xw ancestors. He learned to carve from his late father Master carver Sam Henderson, who belonged to the'Nakwaxda'xw First Nations from the Village of Blunden Harbor. His father Sam moved to Campbell River in 1934, where he married May Quocksistala, the eldest daughter of the local Wei Wai Kum Band's Chief John Quocksistala. Sam was a well- known Master Carver who’s very collectable totem poles, masks, talking sticks and other works of art are represented in museums and private collections worldwide. John learned his father’s unique carving style and has been carving and keeping up the traditions since then.