Mark Henderson
Mark Henderson was born in 1953 in Campbell River, BC and was a member of the Wei-Wai-Kum Band of the Kwakwaka'wakw Nation.
Over his lifetime he became deeply involved in the art and culture of his community. Mark was one of seventeen children born to the artist Sam Henderson and his wife, May Quocksister Henderson. Mark began painting at age eleven and was taught by his father Sam Henderson, who was originally from Ba'as (Blunden Harbour) on the north coast in the traditional territory of the ‘Nakwaxda’xw. Several of Mark's siblings became artists, including his brothers Bill, Dan, and Ernie.
Mark Henderson's style was rooted in tradition. He was influenced by Kwakwaka'wakw masters Mungo Martin, Henry Speck, and Willie Seaweed.
Reference: Thom, I. M. (2009). Challenging traditions: contemporary First Nations art of the Northwest Coast. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre.