Dear Friends,
Come meet Corrine Hunt this Saturday, November 21st 2015 after her lecture, between 2:30 - 4:30 pm at Spirits of the West Coast Native Art Gallery.
On November 21st 2015, Corrine Hunt will be the guest lecturer in the Comox Valley ElderCollege series, “From Inheritance to Intuition: 7 Contemporary Northwest Coast First Nations artists.” .
Her lecture is called: OLAKA IKU DA NALA - A Really Good Day
From the beginning of her career, Corrine has searched for unique ways to bring the stories of her First Nations culture to contemporary life. Continually inventing and reinventing stories from her culture, honouring her Kwakwaka'wakw and Tlingit roots, Corrine has cultivated a refreshing artistic expression. Her sleek works in jewellery, custom furnishings and wearable art are not only beautiful and practical, but are infused with cultural significance.
Corrine Hunt (Nugwam Gelatleg'lees), which means Killer Whale Scratching Her Back on the Beach, is of Kwakwaka'wakw/Tlingit descent and was born in Alert Bay, BC, Canada in 1959. Her paternal grandmother, A’neesla’ga,’ was a Tlingit noblewoman from Alaska. As a member of the Raven Gwa’wina Clan from Ts’akis, a Komoyue village on Vancouver Island, Corrine’s rich family history includes internationally renowned First Nations artists Henry, Richard and Tony Hunt, all of whom have influenced her art. Uncle Norman Brotchie was also an early teacher and important mentor who introduced Corrine to Kwakwaka’wakw traditions and the art of jewelry-making.
After graduating from high school in 1977, Corrine continued her education at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver where she majored in Anthropology. From the beginning of her career in 1985, Corrine has searched for unique ways to bring the stories of her First Nations culture to contemporary life. Corrine’s works include engraved gold and silver jewelry and accessories, custom furnishings in carved stainless steel and reclaimed wood, modern totem poles and other sculptural installations. In 2006, she designed the logo for the World Peace Forum, which was held in Vancouver. She has also created for example, large installations for Whistler's Hilton Hotel, and the office for Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC).
In 2009, together with designer Omer Arbel, Corrine was awarded the honour of designing the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Medals. The medals feature her original Aboriginal designs of the Orca for the Olympic Games and Raven for the Paralympic Games. Each of the medals has a hand-cropped section of the artwork, thus making each medal one of a kind. In 2011 she was awarded the National Aboriginal Achievement Award.
Everyone is invited to meet Corinne Hunt, ask questions and enjoy some of her beautiful artwork. Just drop by Spirits of the West Coast Native Art Gallery between 2:30 – 4:30 pm this Saturday afternoon.