The Salmon
The Salmon symbolizes abundance, fertility, prosperity and renewal. For thousands of years, Salmon have been the primary food source for Northwest Coast Native Americans and are highly respected.

Salmon Mask by Kwakwaka'wakw artist Shawn Karpes
Salmon Symbol and First Nations
Some People of the Pacific Northwest coast believed that Salmon are immortal humans who live in villages deep under the ocean. In the springtime, these immortal humans put on Salmon disguises to offer themselves as food to the people. After the Salmon were eaten the people would put the full fish skeleton back in the water in the belief that its spirit would rise again and turn back into Salmon people, thus creating the cycle of life. In Kwakiutl culture, it is believed that to have twins was a blessing from the Salmon people and only twins had the right to perform the Salmon dance.
Native Art - The Salmon Symbol
Spirits of the West Coast Native Art Gallery sells Salmon Symbol prints, Native American Jewelry Salmon Native carvings, Salmon ceremonial masks, gold and silver bracelets and bentwood boxes, all inspired by the Salmon Symbol.
If you have any further information or stories with or about this Native American Symbol or totem and you would like to share them with our readers, please feel free to email them to us. If they are appropriate we will add them to this page. Thank you!