The Hummingbird
The Hummingbird teaches you to appreciate and love the miracle of living and to help you focus on the positivity in your life. Hummingbirds are often seen as joyful messengers and healers.
Due to their personality, agility and endless supply of energy, many people feel that they can help guide and support you through some of life’s more difficult challenges. Hummingbirds are also independent. For many they also symbolize love, wonder, and beauty.

Sandblasted Hummingbird Panel by Kwakwaka'wakw artist Trevor Hunt
Hummingbird Symbolism and First Nations
A legend from the Kwakwaka'wakw says that Dzunuk'wa (guardian of the mountains and Wild Woman of the Woods) loved this little bird so much, she let him nest in her hair, in return the Hummingbird looked like jewelry pinned in her hair. Of all the birds, they are the most talented flyers. They can hover in one place, fly sideways, backwards and forwards. They teach us to look back to our past, but not to dwell, instead to move forward. As well the Hummingbirds tell us to savour every sweet moment as they do when hovering over each flower. Some Native Americans believe that it brings luck to see a Hummingbird before major events, such as long hunting trips or traveling to other villages.
Native Art - Hummingbird Symbol
Spirits of the West Coast Native Art Gallery sells Hummingbird Symbol prints, Native American Jewelry, Hummingbird first nation carvings, Hummingbird ceremonial masks, gold and silver bracelets and bentwood boxes, all inspired by the Hummingbird Symbol.
If you have any further information or stories with or about this Native American Symbol and you would like to share them with our readers, please feel free to email them to us. If they are appropriate we will add them to this page. Thank you!