The Loon
The Loon is a solitary bird of the wilderness that symbolizes tranquility, serenity and the reawakening of old hopes, wishes and dreams. The Loon relies on water and water is a symbol for dreams and multiple levels of consciousness, thus Loons teach us to follow our hopes, dreams and wishes.

Loon Paddle by Kwakwaka'wakw Master Carver Bill Henderson
Loon Symbol and First Nations
A legend says that to see a Loon means a dream will come true or a wish will be answered.
Native Art - The Loon Symbol
Spirits of the West Coast Native Art Gallery sells Loon Symbol prints, Native American Jewelry, Loon Native carvings, Loon ceremonial masks, gold and silver bracelets and bentwood boxes, all inspired by the Loon Symbol.
If you have any further information or stories with or about this Native American Symbol or totem and you would like to share them with our readers, please feel free to email them to us. If they are appropriate we will add them to this page. Thank you!