The Eagle
The Native Eagle Symbol is known as “The master of skies” and is a symbol of great significance. He is believed to be the creature with the closest relationship with the creator. Soaring to great heights, he can travel between the physical and the spiritual world. He is said to be a messenger to the creator. Unlike the raven’s ability to send messages down, the eagle sends messages and prayers up to the Creator. If an Eagle was seen during a Prayer session it was a sign of having a prayer accepted. If a prayer needed immediate attention from the creator, an eagle feather would be held up towards the sky. Although every part of the eagle has separate and significant meanings, the Eagle as a whole signifies focus, strength, peace, leadership, and ultimate prestige. The wings of an eagle symbolize the balance and co-dependency between females and males, and how each gender must work together in order to achieve harmonious results.

Eagle Pendant by Haida artist Ron Russ
Eagle Symbol and First Nations
Eagle feathers play a substantial part in religious and shamanic practices and ceremonies. The feathers were only allowed to be worn by people who had earned the privilege. For example, warriors that had done extremely well in battles would have a feather rewarded to them. Eagle feathers transmit strength and give the ability to speak honestly from the heart, without hurt or anger. The middle vane in the feather symbolizes the path that every man walks in their lifetime, and every barb that comes off the middle vane symbolizes the choices we all have in life, and that every choice we make is attached to the middle or main path that we take. Eagle down is scattered in entrances as a friendly welcome when people of great importance come and it is also used in dances. Besides being a member of many different clans, most descendants from the Haida Northwest Coast First Nations belong to either a Raven or Eagle Clan. The membership is often defined by which clan the individual's mother belonged to.
Native Art - The Eagle Symbol
Spirits of the West Coast Native Art Gallery sells Eagle Symbol prints, Native American Jewelry, Eagle native carvings, Eagle ceremonial masks, gold and silver bracelets and bentwood boxes, all inspired by the Eagle Symbol.
If you have any further information or stories with or about this Native American Symbol or totem and you would like to share them with our readers, please feel free to email them to us. If they are appropriate we will add them to this page. Thank you!