Aubrey Johnston
Kwakwaka’wakw artist Aubrey is a member of the Weka’yi First Nation, and a descendant of the Wallace, Assu, and Simeon families. His ancestry can also be traced to the Haida through his maternal grandmother.

Aubrey refined his artistic abilities through working with Floyd Joseph and Jack James Jr. He has worked full-time as an artist in a variety of mediums and is well known for his finely detailed work, such as detailed plaques, model poles, miniature masks, and intricate carved rattles, broaches and combs.
Today he lives in Alert bay B.C where he has also learned from the local carver. Aubrey has been carving for over 30 years now and still very much enjoys it. When he carves with other local carvers he enjoys listening to all the legions and history of the culture - this is what inspires his creations.