David Jones
David Jones was born in 1991 in Masset, Haida Gwaii, to the Naikun Qegawai clan, and grew up in Hydaberg, AK. His parents are Norman and Sophina Edenshaw (Jones), his paternal Grandparents are Gerald Edenshaw and Jean Bland, and his maternal Grandparents are Marina and David Jones Sr.
David’s interest in Haida art began at the age of 9, studying books and learning formline by replicating traditional designs. As he practiced and learned, he began developing his own distinct style. David began an apprenticeship in 2013 with renowned Haida Master Carver Reg Davidson, working on wood carvings in Reggie’s shop. The following year, he expanded into carving precious metals under the guidance of Haida carver Derek White. In 2021, David further honed his skills by apprenticing with Master Carver Christian White at his carving shed in Old Masset.
Through years of dedication and mentorship, David has established himself as a skilled Haida artist, blending tradition with his own artistic voice. His work continues to reflect his deep connection to Haida culture and craftsmanship.